Wednesday, October 14, 2009

What to do?...Wednesday!

Thursday, Oct 15th, 5-7pm
Christensen Field's Annual Community Spaghetti Supper in the main arena. All you can eat! Donation of $6/person, children under 5 free.

Saturday, Oct 17th, 7:30am-Noon
Sixth Annual Healthy Morning for Women at First Lutheran Church, 2146 Wright St. in Blair NE. Informative Presentations, over 15 FREE Health Screenings, Flu Vaccinations & Vascular Screenings also available for a small fee. Call 402-426-1601 for more information. *Lab work requires 12-hour fasting prior to testing. Co-Sponsored by Memorial Comm. Hospital. Go HERE for more details.

Sun-Tues, Oct 18-20th, 7am-7pm
Join Scooter's Coffeehouse for their Harvest Celebration Event and enjoy a FREE small hot drink at 23rd & Clarkson.


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