Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Successful Parenting Conference

What: Statewide Parent Involvement Conference
When: 8am-12:30pm, Saturday, March 27th
Where: Westside Middle School, 8601 Arbor St. Omaha, NE
Cost: $25 in advance/$30 Day of Event.

* Childcare available FREE of charge for those who register by March 19th *
In addition, everyone who attends the conference will receive a free copy of the book, "What Kids need to Succeed: Proven, Practical Ways to Raise Good Kids."

View the conference brochure HERE and call 390.2109 to register.

...Scott Butler learned a lesson one day - that his role as a parent was to shut up and get out of the way and help his son when he needed help. Scott, an expert on the 40 Developmental Assets and an assistant principal at Beadle Middle School in Millard will speak at this conference along with his son Danny, age 16, about that lesson and other lessons they've learned together. Specifically, they'll look at the role parents play in developing some of their kids' key personal and social traits, known as the 40 Developmental Assets. Research indicates the traits help them thrive and avoid risky behaviors. They will focus on the "I cans" of parenting:

* Involvement
* Consistency
* Awareness
* Nurturing
* and Spirituality

They plan to have a little fun with the topics, using video clips from popular movies to show when parents have handled a situation well or badly. This morning long conference will offer up experts in a wide range of topics, such as bullying, cybersafety and reading strategies. Multiple sessions are scheduled to allow attendees to attend the mini sessions that interest them the most.


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