Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Get Organized with the Online Calendar!

Trying to get your family better organized? Move from a paper planner to an online shared calendar that the whole family can access fro anywhere. The benefits go well beyond saving paper: With the calendar online, It's available from any computer (and even SmartPhones), everyone is on the same page, and you spend less time reminding others about the pickup schedule or doctor's appointment.
Here are some tips:
Don't Just Record communicate and share, too. Set up reminders that get sent by email or test and have the week's agenda emailed to the family.
Use an App Try a calendar that has a companion app for your smartphone. You'll get instant updates and reminders wherever you are.
Start Small If you aren't ready to move everything online, try using it for one thing the family especially needs to coordinate, like a sports schedule or the school calendar.

CLICK HERE to go to the USA Weekend Family-Friendly FREE On-line Calendar and start getting more organized today!


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